Thursday, 29 October 2009

The Kelly Review proposals - not in our interests.

Gordon Brown anticipated the MPs expenses scandal and decided to set up the Kelly Review to investigate and reform the sytem. Now, his findings are published. MPs will be banned from claiming on mortgage interests and claiming for a second home if their constituency is within 60 minutes of Westminister. Most inconveniently, they will not be allowed to employ their family members. This last proposal is irrational.

Being a MP is not a regular job. It requires irregular hours and sometimes working on weekends. A job of this nature requires a secretary that is flexible and almost always available - who better than a family member? Currently, over a 100 MPs employ their spouse or children to work for them. This makes sense because MPs are in a better position to fulfil their role efficiently because they will have a fully functioning team catered to their needs.

So not only is it a matter of convenience for MPs, but also a matter of necessity for the public. If this enables MPs to be more productive, then we are the ones who benefit. Problem?

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