Wednesday 5 January 2011

A sad day for justice

The assassination of Pakistan's Punjab governor Salman Taseer, the most high profile since the death of Benazir Bhutto in 2007, represents a sad day for justice.

He was murdered by his bodyguard - because of the governor's openly liberal stance. Recently, he pleaded for a pardon for Asia Bibi, a Christian women sentenced to death for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad. It is his liberal views on blasphemy laws that angered radicals, and ultimately, led to his death.

Mr Taseer's state funeral this morning marks a sad day for Pakistan. It highlights that a radical minority can hold the country to ransom. The country is not a pluralist society. Speaking out for tolerance is not tolerated - and in Mr Taseer's case, he paid with his life.

His death may create further instability in Pakistan. At the weekend, one of coalition of the Pakistan People's Party walked out. Political unrest is rife.

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